Sustainability Strategies

In order to put the Asahi Group Philosophy (AGP) into practice, the Asahi Group has formulated a Medium- to Long-Term Management Policy in 2022, based on backcasting from megatrends. In the Medium- to-Long-Term Management Policy, the concept of our Long-Term Strategy is to “contribute to a sustainable society and respond to changing conceptions of wellbeing through delivering great taste and fun.” One of our core strategies is to integrate sustainability into management, aiming to achieve sustainable growth and build value together with our stakeholders.

In order to achieve the integration of sustainability into management, we have adopted the corporate statement "Make the world shine" and have established "Sustainability Stories" that shows why, how, and what we are doing for sustainability. Based on this concept, the entire Group will work together to promote sustainability and improve engagement with internal and external stakeholders. Further, in addition to establishing objectives as our approach to putting this into practice, we have reorganized our previous initiatives and determined key initiatives on which to focus management resources.

Sustainability Stories

Based on our "Sustainability Stories," we have established an objective as well as material issues and initiatives that identify areas to be addressed as management issues. Among these initiatives, we have set key initiatives on which to focus our management resources, and are moving forward with appropriate and effective measures in response.

Create lasting brand value

For over 100 years, we have worked with the gifts and the power of nature to deliver on our great taste promise to consumers around the world. We are proud that our products have helped encourage people-to-people connections, create communities, and bring more fun to life for everyone - a heritage we aim to continue well into the future.

Adapt to the future

We accept our special responsibility to manage the potentially harmful effects our business may have on the environment and society at large. Going forward, we are committed to achieving sustainable growth while pursuing sustainability as essential synonymous with pursuing business itself.

Actively embrace change

Envisioning a better future, we aim to build sustainable ecosystem and circular economy through decarbonization and the effective use of water resources, connect people to their wonderful communities, and create measures and drinking opportunities to reduce the harmful use of alcohol, sharing ideas and technologies with stakeholders toward realization.

Our promise to the future

We will continue to deliver on our great taste promise and bring more fun to life for everyone by building value together with nature, community, and society at large for making a sustainable, bright future. Our corporate statement “Make the world shine” represents our strong passion for a better tomorrow for people in the world. With this statement, we aim to take proactive actions.


Realizing sustainability across the value chain.

As a group, we aim to manage risk and create opportunities while aspiring to make a positive impact for business and society with our products and services.

Material Issues

  • Key Initiatives
  • Initiatives
  • Environment

    • Asahi Carbon Zero
    • Asahi Carbon Zero
    • Respond to Climate Change

    • The Target Relating to Sustainable Packaging

    • Sustainable Agricultural Raw Materials

    • Sustainable Water Resources

  • Communities

    • Realize Sustainable Communities through the Creation of People-to-People Connections

  • Responsible Drinking

    • Responsible Drinking Ambassador
    • Reduction in Inappropriate Drinking

    • Solution of Alcohol-Related Issues through Creation of New Drinking Opportunities

  • Health

    • Create Value of Health

  • Human Rights

    • Respect for Human Rights

KPIs for Material Issues /Global Targets for Key Initiatives

Engagement and collaboration with stakeholders

The Asahi Group is striving to increase its engagement with stakeholders through appropriate information disclosure and communication. As well as obtaining the stakeholders' understanding of the Asahi Group's initiatives, we will put their feedback to use in those initiatives. We will also promote collaborations with like-minded partners with the aim of increasing the scale and speed of our initiatives.

Deep cultivation of engagement

Appropriate information disclosure and communication

The Asahi Group conducts a variety of information disclosure and communication to increase engagement with our stakeholders.

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Visualizing Our Impacts

As a company that enjoys the gifts of nature in its business operations, the Asahi Group has launched initiatives to visualize impacts with the aim of quantitatively understanding the business impacts of sustainability measures and the social impacts of our business activities.

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Stakeholder dialogue

The Asahi Group holds regular dialogues between external experts and senior company executives to put the opinions received from various stakeholders to use in the enhancement of corporate value.

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Sustainability Governance

The Asahi Group regards promoting sustainability as an important issue in business management, and has created a corporate governance structure that incorporates the promotion of sustainability by establishing a Global Sustainability Committee chaired by the CEO of Asahi Group Holdings, Ltd.

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Sustainability Library

  • Integrated Report

    We publish Integrated Reports as a tool that combines financial and non-financial information to describe the processes and strategies for sustainable creation of corporate value.

    View Integrated Report [PDF]
  • Sustainability Report

    We publish the Sustainability Report as a tool to provide comprehensive coverage of our performance results, activities and measures in relation to sustainability, which take as their foundations our governance, risk management, strategies, metrics and targets.

    View Sustainability Report [PDF]